Locale zh-TW

From Localizer Cafe

Linguistic[edit | edit source]

Competent authority Ministry of Education


Official language de jure N/A
Official language de facto Taiwanese Mandarin
National language list incomplete Taiwanese Mandarin (regulated by Ministry of Education)

Taiwanese Hokkien (regulated by Ministry of Education)

Taiwanese Hakka (regulated by Hakka Affairs Council)

Formosan languages (regulated by Council of Indigenous Peoples)

Taiwan sign language (regulated by Ministry of Culture)

Dictionary 《重編國語辭典修訂本》 (official dictionary by the competent authority)


樂詞網 (official “termbase” by the competent authority)

Engineering[edit | edit source]

ISO 639-1 zh
ccTLD .tw
Postal Code Regex ^(\d{5})$

Cultural[edit | edit source]

Docs[edit | edit source]

  • Cod: Termbase for Cod defined by the FDA of Taiwan